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Love the flora shots! Everyone made such cool pages that day!

beautiful flower photos!! and thanks for sharing my journal page and linking to my blog!! it was a really fun weekend; I'm just sorry there wasn't more time during class for mingling and sharing inspiration across the tables.

Thank you for kudos on the photos, Jennifer (and Kris)! I just love that page of yours, Jennifer, and when my photo of it didn't come out well, well, let's say I was very, very happy to find a way to include it on my blog. Agreed about mingle time at classes! Kris and I have run into you at several venues, and have yet to spend the time we'd like getting to know you. Maybe If we did a "Chinese Fire Drill" during a class. Everybody jumps up from their place, leaving everything on the table, scrambles to a new seat, and spends the next half hour collaging a page in someone else's book, and chatting with a new set of people...bears pondering, maybe! Thanks for visiting!

Gorgeous photos!!!! :) LOVE the class recap!! :D

Thanks Kelly! I love shooting flora. Thanks for a great class! SOME people just have WAY too much fun. Then, as Kris would say, "We like too much!"

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