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Oh, it's beautiful! Hooooome! You suck yet again!

*tick*tock*tick*tock* two more days! thanks for the props kris!

your mail art is gorgeous! and I know what you mean about the Muse; I think sometimes she's sitting there, laughing at me, too... (mostly because if I cleaned my studio, I'd have plenty of inspiration of my own.) Glad you had a good time last weekend at Frenzy Stamper! (by the way, where IS the saguaro cactus in that gorgeous green and gold photo??)

thanks for kudos on the mail art jennifer! i'm working up a couple of mail art classes, and will post them on the left sidebar as soon as they're ready.

i'm beginning to suspect that we all have an...interesting...relationship with the muse. lol! mine likes the studio to be a little messier than i do, a constant source of conflict.

i must confess, with apologies and no small amount of chagrin, that the fabled last saguaro isn't in the photo, it's off to the right about a tenth of a mile, just over the rim of the mesa...we blew by it at 75 mph and couldn't get a clear shot...this photo was shot from the rest area at sunset point looking across the highway, and i posted it more to illustrate the scenery in the vicinity of the saguaro, hoping with all my heart that people would not strain their eyes trying to find it...my bad. i also considered putting an arrow with text next to the power tower saying, "not the saguaro..." lol!

kris is hovering over my shoulder bouncing around like a puppy as i write, saying, "she likes the mail art? cool! does she want to get some mail art? i'll send her some! huh? huh? get her address! i'll send her some!" so, if you'd like, we'd LOVE to send you some art! just drop me an email with your address, and you'll be hearing from both of us!

good to see you again last weekend! our paths have crossed several times, and i'm happy to have spent time with you.

great blog you have! i love-love the photography and your pages, especially that little wild girl!

thanks for leaving comments! hope our paths cross again soon...

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