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Thanks for making the stamps, Spike! Spike also made first day cover issues of the Earth Day stamp in the form of postcards and envelopes that are waaaay cool. I have sent one of the postcards already to a friend and am just itchin' to send the rest. I get so excited about mail art and making my own stamps (or having Spike make them) - I could just burst. Perhaps I really am my father's child. He was a serious philatelist.
Love what you did with the picture of me. Life's short wear red shoes. The grandfather who took that picture is featured on the Forever stamp. He just passed away a few weeks ago at the ripe old age of 94. I'm off now to mail art!

Can't wait to see you both!! Safe travels! :D

safe travels to you, too kelly! see you this evening!

i couldn't agree more, kris! life's short - wear red shoes! lol!

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