Kris made the long journey home yesterday, leaving BWI at some god awful hour in the morning to arrive home in Flagstaff shortly before noon. Homecoming is sweet for all of us, but no more so than for the dogs, I think. They greet her at the door full of wiggles and wags, squealing dog-joy and relief. The pack is whole again! Pet-me-pet-me-pet-me! After a homecoming lunch of
noodle soup and wild blueberry pie, we decompress in the studio with art journaling and play time. Molly and Chamois stay as close to Kris as they can get, lying their heads in her lap while she works.
I've read that dogs have the developmental personality of a 2-3 year old, so we occasionally have them treated by a doggy acupuncturist for separation anxiety before and during these long trips of Kris'. I thought they were doing okay; it seems they were missing their "other mommy" more than I knew.
Owing mail art to several people (my mailbox runneth over, so to speak), I decided to chip away at the backlog while catching up with Kris across the countertop.
Life is back to normal. Two mommies play in the studio on this sunny Arizona afternoon where creativity and dog-love abound. The pack is reunited; all's right with the world.
Thanks for visiting; come again soon.
LOVE the mail art-groovy, baby!
So glad that Kris is home safe and sound-and well loved (LOL LOVE THOSE PICTURES-awwwww!!!!)
Posted by: kelly | 04/11/2010 at 02:04 PM
thanks, kelly! we're ALL mighty glad to have her home. thanks too for props on the mail art and photos; it's all such fun! good luck with the shoe thing.
Posted by: sharon | 04/11/2010 at 04:11 PM